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Disciplines of the Department
Scholars of the Department provide teaching of the following general courses (Bachelor’s programme):
- Judicial and law enforcement agencies of Ukraine
- Criminal procedure law of Ukraine
- Criminalistics
- Computer forensics
- Forensic medicine
- Forensic psychiatry
- Legal psychology
and special courses (Master’s programme):
- Alternative resolution of criminal offences in criminal proceedings
- Use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings
- Activities of a defence counsel in criminal proceedings
- Evidence and proof in criminal proceedings
- Pre-trial investigation and trial of criminal cases
- Ensuring the rights of participants in pre-trial proceedings
- Communication practice and negotiation techniques in restorative justice
- Convention standards for the protection of human rights in criminal proceedings
- Forensic techniques in the activities of an investigator
- Criminalistics support of the activities of a lawyer
- Methods of maintaining public prosecution in court
- International standards for the protection of human rights in criminal proceedings
- Covert investigative (detective) actions
- Organisation of the work of the prosecutor’s office
- Protection of human rights and freedoms in public law
- Social, ethical and legal aspects of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity
- Proceedings in the controlling judicial stages of criminal proceedings
- The process of making procedural decisions in criminal proceedings
- Procedural management of pre-trial investigation
- Procedural management of pre-trial investigation of corruption offences
- The system of justice and home affairs of the European Union (taught in English)
The Department has a postgraduate course in the speciality 081: ‘Law’ (specialisation – criminal law and criminal procedure).
Scholars of the Department
Currently, 25 full-time specialists are engaged in educational and scientific activities at the Department:
1. N. Bobechko – Head of the Department, Professor, Doctor of Law Sciences;
2. V. Nor – Professor, Doctor of Law Sciences;
3. I. Kohutych – Professor, Doctor of Law Sciences;
4. N. Baieva – senior lecturer;
5. M. Bahrii – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
6. Y. Bereskyi – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
7. V. Boiko – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
8. H. Boreiko – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
9. A. Voinarovych – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
10. Z. Hulkevych – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
11. R. Yezerskyi – Assistant Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
12. Y. Ivanytskyi – Assistant Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
13. O. Kaluzhna – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
14. Y. Koniushyn – Assistant Professor;
15. Y. Lyzak – Assistant Professor;
16. M. Mazur – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
17. N. Maksymyshyn – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
18. V. Muradov – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
19. A. Naida – Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences;
20. A. Pavlyshyn – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
21. Y. Pikh – Assistant Professor, PhD;
22. S. Rafalont – Assistant Professor;
23. V. Fihurskyi – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences
24. M. Shevchuk – Associate Professor, Candidate of Law Sciences;
25. K. Shunevych – Assistant Professor, PhD.
General information about the Department
The Department was established in 1784 as a part of a law faculty and was named a department of criminal law and procedure. After the revolution in 1848 the Austrian government in a form of concessions to Galician Ukrainians created two departments at the law faculty: department of criminal and civil law and procedure with delivering in Ukrainian language. Newly created department of criminal law and procedure was headed by VladyslavSrokovskyi. From 1876 criminal law was conducted in Ukrainian language by Ivan Dobzhanskyi.
Among prominent scholars of that period it is worth distinguishing P. Stebelskyi (1857-1923) who graduated from the law faculty of Lviv National University in 1878. For some period of time he was working in Lviv municipal court, then several years he was practicing as a lawyer. From 1885 he became a lecturer and researcher and from 1892 he was a professor at the department of criminal law and procedure at Lviv University. He actively researched system of Austrian criminal and criminal-procedural law issues of justice, published a commentary on Austrian criminal and procedural law ‘Austrian Criminal Penal Process. (1900, 1901).
In the beginning of the 20 century a course of criminal law and procedure was conducted by Y. Davydiak (1879-1961) who graduated from the law faculty of Lviv National University, and who worked as a lawyer assistant (1904- 1912) and as a lawyer (1912-1914, 1921-1939). At the same time (to 1925)he was lecturing criminal procedure in Secret Ukrainian University and was the last Rector of Ukrainian Free University. During 1939-1941 and 1945-1958 he worked as a docent at the department of criminal law and procedure at Lviv National University.
During 1907- 1955(with intervals) the course of criminal law at the department was delivered by Y. Makarevych (1872-155), who was one of the founders of sociological school of criminal law as well as docent O. Pashe-Ozersky. For a long period of time Y. Makarevych had been a chairperson of the department of criminal law and procedure.
After the World War II professor S. Hofman from Sverdlovsky University (1892- 1967) joined the department for the permanent work and together with Yu. Makarevych conducted criminal and criminal-procedural law at the university.
Duringthe post-war period professors Y. Makarevych, P. Mykhailenko (1949-1956), docents I. Tyrichev (1962-1972), V. Lisizyn (1972-1976), V. Nor (1976-1999) held the position of a chairperson at the department. At the Soviet period such outstanding scholars as as M. Naklovych, a docent, worked at the department (1919-2005), who during 1945-1986 delivered lectures in criminal law, V. Lisizyn (1924-1997) during 1954-1976 had been delivering course of lectures on criminalistics. A Zhalinckyi (1932) who during 1961- 1975 conducteda course of lectures on criminal procedure and after a while criminology, a docent and later a professor M. Kostyzky from 1976 till 1993 delivered lectures from criminal law, criminal procedure, legal psychology; senior lecturer P. Bondarenko (1903-1979) conducted a course in criminal- procedural law;associate professor P. Zemlianskyi (1928-2007) during 1966-1998 was giving lectures in criminalistics and judicial and law enforcement bodies; public prosecutor criminalist from Lviv Regional Public Prosecutor Office, M. Yoffe (1923) and O. Harsun, during 1998-2002 delivered lectures in methodology of investigation of certain types of crimes; Z. Kotyk (1947), regional public prosecutor, during 1994-1995, 1997-1999 as a lecturer gave lectures from organizational and functional activity of Public Prosecutor Office in Ukraine; during 1991- 1999 a course of criminal law was conducted by docent and later professors V. Hryshchuk (1950) and V. Navrotskyi (1956), a docent B. Kyrys.
The department of criminal law and procedure at the Law Faculty had existed by 1999, then on its base according to Rectors order of Lviv National University No 158 dated February 16, 1999 as a result of division of the department of criminal law and procedure there were created two individual departments: the department of criminal law and criminology and the department of criminal procedure and criminalistics, the latter was headed by V. Nor professor and academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences.
The scientific school of criminal justice which is functioning at the department was founded in the mid 80-ties in the 20th century by professor V. Nor. At present time this school unites 3 doctors and 17 candidates of legal sciences. It includes a wide range of issues and attainments: there was created a domestic conceptual doctrine about the defense of property and individual non-property rights and legal interests of the injured (crime victims) with the help of criminal procedural form (in criminal justice); it has been defined and examined all possible ways and methods of rights and interest of the injured party which were mentioned, especially civil suits in criminal cases in domestic and international justice protection (V. Nor, N. Anikina, B. Vashcuk, M. Hosovsky, O. Krykunov); adjudication of reimbursement to a crime victim on personal initiative of a court (V. Nor, M. Huzela, N. Fedorchuk); recovery by criminal-legal restitution (V. Nor, R. Koriakin) imposing on the defendant criminal legal duty by court (as a punishment or probation) to compensate the inflicted property damage (V. Nor, A. Boiko). Also individually there was examined legal regulation and its practical application directed on: defense of the mentioned rights and legal interests of the injured in criminal justice of Anglo-American system of law (V. Nor, N. Fedorchuk); handling of criminal cases connected with international relationships (V. Nor, A. Malaniuk); determination and exemption of the costs (V. Nor, A. Pavlyshyn); researching of the principle of prohibition ”reimbursement for the worst ” (V. Nor, V. Boiko) and the principle of dispositivity (V. Nor, V. Navrozka) in the criminal justice. There have been published more than 150 publications and 3 monographs (V. Nor, A. Boiko, A. Pavlyshyn); initiated more than 40 proposals for the legislator, directed to the improvement of current criminal legislation concerning as to defense of violated by crime property and individual non property rights and interests of the injured, the main part of those are used in the process of reformation of criminal procedural legislation. Representatives of the scientific school (V. Boiko, A. Malaniuk, V. Nor, A. Pavlyshyn) as a part of the working groups (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and President of Ukraine) took part in a preparation of alternative drafts of the new Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine. 27 candidates of law were trained according to the scientific fields. The department has trained specialists (Bachelors, Specialists and Masters) on specialty of jurisprudence at full time study and extramural study. There is also a postgraduate study program functioning within the department on specialty 12.00.09, criminal procedure and criminalistics, forensic expertise, operative serch activity.
The department of criminal process and criminalistics is situated on the fifth floor of the Law faculty of Lviv National University (rooms 510-518) and occupies 3 rooms: laboratory room and 2 lecturers’ rooms, a library, catalogue premises. Criminalistics lab functions at the department providing practical and laboratory lessons on criminalistics. There are also two student scientific circles functions there: on criminalistics issues as well as criminal procedural issues. Their members participate in regional and international conferences and take part in the contests of student scientific researches.
Scientific publications of lecturers:
Bobechko N. Appealing in Criminal Proceedings of Ukraine: Manual. Lviv, 2007; Bobechko N. Appeal and cassation appeal of court’s decision in criminal justice of Ukraine. Scientific-practical manual. Kyiv, 2010; V. Boiko Rules of Inadmissible Worsening of the Defendant State as Procedural Guarantees. Monograph, Kyiv, 2008; I. Holovatskyy Counsel for the Defense Activity in Criminal Proceedings. Manual, Kyiv, 2003; Z. Hulkevych Documentation of Investigation Proceedings: Procedural and Criminal Research.Lviv, 2008; Kohutych I. Using Criminalistic Knowledge and Means of Criminal Tactics and Methods during the Trial. Monograph, Lviv, 2009; I. Kohutych, V. Nor, Use of Criminal Knowledge during the Trial. Scientific- practical manual. Lviv, Kyiv, 2010; I. Kohutych. Training-Methodical Manual for Laboratory and Practical Studies for Individual Work in “Criminalistics”. / I. Kohutych, Z. Hulkevych, Y. Bereskyi and others. Lviv, 2010; I. Kohutych Criminalistics. Kyiv, 2007; I. Kohutych. Criminalistics: Methods peculiarities of investigation of certain types of crimes. Lecture textbook, Lviv, 2005; I. Kohutych. International Legal Aid and Cooperation in Criminal Justice of Ukraine. Specific course Manual. Lviv, 2005; Kohutych I. Essentiality and need of widening of extended scopes of criminalistics knowledge use. Monography. Lviv, 2008; Kohutych I., Nor. V., Pavlyshyn A. Public prosecutor’ s supervision of Ukraine: Course of lectures for students of higher law educational units. Kyiv, 2004. Criminal procedure of Ukraine: Tests manual / [V.Nor. A. Malaniuk, N. Bobechok, A. Pavlyshyn, V. Boiko, M. Huzela] edited by doctor of science of Law V. Nor. Kyiv, 2010. Criminal procedure of Ukraine: practical work. Training manual (seal Ministry of Education of Ukraine of Ukraine): board of the authors V. Nor, V. Boiko, M. Huzela, A. Malaniuk, A. Pavlyshyn. Kyiv, 2007; Criminal procedural code of Ukraine. Scientific-practical commentary. Edited by V. Maliarenko, V. Honcharenko. Kyiv, 2004, in co-authorship; Myheienko M., Nor V. Shybiko V. Criminal Procedure of Ukraine. Kyiv, 1999; Nor V. The activity of bodies of pretrial investigation as to property and non-property rights and legal interest of victims’ protection; V. Nor; Legal system of Ukraine: history, current state and perspectives: in 5 vol. Criminal legal sciences. Essential problems of combating against crimein Ukraine; edited by V. Stashys. Kharkiv.: Law, 2008. P. 460-484; V. Nor, I. Kohutych, A. Pavlyshyn. Practical Work on Public Prosecutor’s Supervision in Ukraine: a manual. Lviv, 2009; V. Nor, A. Pavlyshyn. Court Expenses in Criminal Procedure of Ukraine. Monography. Kyiv, 2003; Practical work on criminalistics. Criminalistic tactics and investigation methods of certain types of crimes. Collective authorship: I. Kohutych, Z. Hulkevych, Y. Bereskyi, Lviv, 2002; N. Fedorchuk, V. Nor, Defense of the rights of crime victims in Anglo-American legal system and in criminal justice of Ukraine: monograph. Kyiv, 2009.
The department cooperates with similar departments of the other higher educational establishments and faculties of Ukraine, in particular: The Faculty of Law of Kyiv National University named after T. Shevchenko, National Law Academy named after Yaroslav Mudryi (Kharkiv), National University “Odessa National Law Academy”, the Bar Academy of Ukraine, Pre-Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk, Wroclaw University and others. Cooperation with them is manifested in scientific conferences, publishing of articles in scientific collections, in critique review of textbooks, manuals, research publications, articles.