Department of Intellectual property, information and corporate law

  • About the Department
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Intellectual property law and corporate law – new areas of research and the growing need for studying them is due to the increasing role of intellectual property in Ukraine and the development of corporate relations. Intellectual property has a special place among legal institutions and branches of law, since scientific research in this area becomes a weighty significance for more than just the application in civil and business relations of copyright, patent rights objects and means of individualization of goods, services. Corporate relations also require the implementation of scientific research, because the development of corporate law in Ukraine is an indisputable fact. The number of business companies is growing; the regulatory framework needs significant improvement.

The department of Intellectual property, information and corporate law was set up in 2015 by the order of the rector of Ivana Franko national university of Lviv of May 8, 2015 N 0-68 pursuant to the decision of the Academic Council of I. Franko national university of Lviv of April 29, 2015 (minutes N 40/4). Professor, Doctor of law Yavorska Oleksandra Stepanivna was appointed the chairperson of the department.

The department provides teaching the following disciplines: intellectual property and corporate law, as well as teaching the special courses: agreements on the transfer of intellectual property rights legal protection of intellectual property rights on the Internet, copyright and related rights, patent law, problems of application of the Civil and Commercial Codes of Ukraine, media law, intellectual property on the commercial designation, property rights to intellectual property rights, the protection of industrial property rights, protection of intellectual property rights in the construction industry, features of consideration of disputes in the sphere of intellectual property, intellectual property law on computer applications and database, legal regulation of intellectual property in the EU countries, legal regulation of innovation activity, termination of business companies, the legal status of the property of business partnerships, cooperative law, legal regulation of securities, realization and protection of state corporate rights, legal aspects of mergers and acquisitions, bankruptcy of business partnerships, agreement in the field of corporate governance and others.

Two Doctors of Law namely professor Oleksandra S. Yavorska, professor Zoreslava V. Romovska, docents Martyn V.M., Taracenko L.L. and three candidates of Law – Davyd L.L., Kotsavska O.L., Samahalska Yu.Y. support the educational process at the department of Intellectual Property, Information and Corporate Law at present.

The department of Intellectual property, Information and Corporate Law collaborates with the state authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations operating in the field of intellectual property and corporate law.

The researchers of the department compiled the textbook “Intellectual Property Rights” (2016), several monographs on civil and family law (prof. Romonovska Z.V. – “Ukrainian civil law: general part”, 2009, “Ukrainian family law”, 2009, “Ukrainian civil law: property right”, 2010, “Ukrainian civil law: inheritance law”, 2011; prof. Yavorska O.S. – “Contractual obligations on transfer of property ownership: the civil aspects”, 2009, “Legal regulation of property relations by the civil legislation of Ukraine”, 2008.

The scientists of the department are conducting research into different topic: prof. Yavorska O.DS. – Agreements on the transfer of intellectual property rights, on issues of copyright; prof. Romovska Z.V. – On implementation and protection of the corporate rights of the state; docent Martyn V.M. – On commercial signs and the results of breeding research; candidate of Law – Tarasenko L.L. – On the problem of patent law, on the protection of the of the intellectual property rights over Internet communication and in the sphere of construction; Candidate of Law Davyd L.L. – On the implementation of industrial design and features of judicial protection of intellectual property rights; Candidate of law Kotsovska O.L. – Intellectual property rights of ownership, on European experience of corporate governance; Candidate of Law Samahalska Yu.Y. – On the implementation and protection of neighboring rights, on intellectual property rights to animal species.

The department provides training for Masters of Law and Specialists in the following areas:

Intellectual property, corporate law. The teaching staff participate in the research work of the department. The following issues are investigated at the department: copyright, neighboring rights, patient law, legal means of individualization of goods, services, participants of civil business, protection of intellectual property rights, contracts in the sphere of intellectual property rights, the formation, operation and termination of business entities, corporate rights of the state, property right, circulation of securities, lease relationship(s) and others.

Law degree programmes typically include core subjects such as:

  • Intellectual property
  • Corporate law

The themes of the special courses in the specialization “Intellectual property”.

  • Agreements on disposal of intellectual property rights
  • Legal protection of the intellectual property over Internet communication
  • Patent Law
  • Features of the legal proceedings in the sphere of intellectual property
  • Media Law
  • Problems of the application of the Civil and Commercial Codes of Ukraine (in the sphere of intellectual property)
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Formation of the Institution of intellectual property Law in Ukraine
  • Protection of intellectual property in the sphere of construction
  • Protection of Industrial Property
  • Copyright and neighboring rights
  • Intellectual property commercial designation
  • Intellectual property rights in the EU countries
  • Legal regulation of the innovation activities
  • Personal non-property intellectual rights
  • Intellectual property over computer programmes and database.

The themes of the special courses in the specialization “Corporate Law”.

  • Corporate Law
  • Legal regulation of collective investment
  • Legal regulation of commercial activities of corporations
  • The legal status of the property of business partnerships
  • Rental relations in the field of management
  • Judicial protection of corporate rights
  • Bankruptcy of commercial partnerships
  • European models of corporate governance
  • Legal regulation of the circulation of securities
  • Implementation and protection of the state corporate rights
  • Property right
  • Termination of business companies
  • Corporate rights: legal aspects of mergers and acquisitions
  • Contracts in the sphere of corporate governance
  • Problems of application of the Civil and Commercial Codes on corporate relations
  • The application of the competitive legislation in the field of corporate governance.


ChairpersonOleksandra YavorskaChairperson
Associate ProfessorKateryna Diukarieva-BerzhaninaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYuliia HladoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVolodymyr MartynAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYustyna SamahalskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIryna ShpuhanychAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLeonid TarasenkoAssociate Professor
LecturerIryna HrynchakLecturer
LecturerKhrystyna Kmetyk-PodubinskaLecturer
LecturerAna PaienokLecturer
LecturerMaksym SukhanovLecturer

Online Training on European values-oriented teaching and issues of the legal support of EU/EA integration held

16.06.2024 | 16:13

75 participants successfully completed Online Training on European values-oriented teaching and issues of the legal support of EU/EA integration, organised by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University (Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas).

Classes on the issues of national Constitutional, Civil, Administrative and Criminal Law of the member-states and their interrelation with European Law and NATO standards caused huge interest of the participants.

The lectures of the Training were:
1) Prof. dr Dainius Žalimas – Vytautas Magnus University
2) Prof...

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The Working Group on the Development of the Professional Development Program for Law Teachers has started its work

15.12.2023 | 20:14

On December 15, 2023, the first meeting of the working group on the development of the Professional Development Program for Teachers was held, which included representatives of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Yaroslav the Wise National University, ZNU, Fedkovych National University, as well as Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun and Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania).
The program aims to deepen the knowledge of Ukrainian law professors on issues related to the impact of European...

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Kick-off event, Toruń (RP), 24 November

08.12.2023 | 01:55

On November 24, 2023, the kick-off event of the #EU4UA project consortium took place at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The meeting formed the Consortium Academic Board and identified priorities in achieving common goals to improve legal education in order to promote Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

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EU4UA project presentations at partner universities

30.11.2023 | 09:32

A series of public presentations were held at the EU4UA partner universities. They were attended by a wide range of participants: professors and lecturers from Ukraine, Lithuania, Poland, and Italy, PhD students, students, and representatives of the public.
The goal of promoting the project idea and forming around it a community of interested participants has been successfully achieved.
16 листопада – Львів:
17 листопада – Запоріжжя: У ЗНУ презентували проєкт, присвячений модернізації правничої освіти – ЗНУ
22 листопада – Чернівці:
24 листопада Торунь...

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Presentation of the Research Works Performed by the Teachers of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure

04.10.2022 | 10:35

Presentation of the research works performed by the teachers of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Faculty of Law took place on August 29, 2022, at the meeting of the department. These are the following: “Family Law of Ukraine” (study guide) by Professor Diakovych M. M. and “Legal Regulation of Inheritance Relationships in International Private Law” (monograph) by Associate Professor Mykhailiv M. O.
Research works are based on the study of legal regulation of family and inheritance relationships...

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