Oksana Uhrynovska

Position: Associate Professor, Civil law and procedure Department


Uhrynovska Oksana Ivanivna – (November 7, 1973, Novyi Rozdil, Lviv Region) – Candidate of Law (Judicial Protection of Citizens’ Rights in the Sphere of Administrative and Legal Relations, 2000), Associate Professor (2009). She graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Lviv University (1995), postgraduate studies (1998). In 1998-2003 he was an assistant professor, since 2003 he has been an associate professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure at Lviv University. About 50 works, including Scientific and practical commentary on the Civil Procedure Code (K., 2006; X., 2010; et al.); Proceedings in cases arising from public law relations (Lviv, 2004; et al.); Judicial proceedings in cases arising from public law relations (Lviv, 2004; et al.); Scientific and practical commentary to the Civil Code of Ukraine (K., 2004; 2008; et al.); Scientific and practical commentary to the Code of Civil Procedure (K., 2006; X., 2010; et al.); Scientific and practical commentary to the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine. [Electronic resource] (2nd ed., Revised and supplemented as of 01.09.2012); Peculiarities of litigation proceedings (Lviv, 2009); Fundamentals of administrative justice in Ukraine: textbook (2006, co-authored); Proceedings in connection with newly discovered circumstances: novelties of legislative regulation (University scientific notes. – №1 (45). – 2013); Peculiarities of Opening Proceedings in Cancellation of an Arbitration Court Decision (Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Proceedings of the Sixth Lviv International Forum (Lviv, May 30-31, 2013); court (Civil procedural thought. International collection of scientific articles. Issue 3 “Executive process” – K. 2014).


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