Volodymyr Honcharov
Candidate of Law, member of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Supreme Court, senior researcher at the Lviv Laboratory of Human Rights and Citizen of the Research Institute of State Building and Local Self-Government of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
He graduated from law school. Lviv. University (2008), postgraduate studies in Lviv. University (2011). Master of Laws (2008). Since 2011 he has been an assistant at the Department of Constitutional Law, and from next year – the Fundamentals of Law of Ukraine. In 2012 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Law on the topic: “Official interpretation of legal norms as a means of establishing and transforming their content.” In 2014 he was elected associate professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Law of Ukraine.
Participated in the International Program for Advanced Training of University Teachers in the field of “Philosophy of Human Rights” (HESP ReSET, 2010-12).
Author bl. 70 scientific works.
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