Volodymyr Tsikalo

Position: Associate Professor, Civil law and procedure Department


Tsikalo VI – (June 1, 1975, Rava-Ruska, Lviv region) – Candidate of Law (Prescription in Civil Legal Relations, 2004), Associate Professor (2006). He graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of Lviv University (1997). In 1997-2006 he was an assistant, since 2004 an associate professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, since 1999 a deputy director, and since 2017 – a director of the Law College of Lviv University. Bl. 80 works, in short, Scientific and practical commentary on the Civil Code of Ukraine (K., 2008); Fundamentals of the state and law of Ukraine (K., 2008; et al.); Adaptation of the legislation of Ukraine on anti-competitive agreements between economic entities to the legislation of the European Union (Entrepreneurship, Economy and Law. 2006. № 7); Corporate society: concepts, features, organizational and legal forms (Law of Ukraine. 2006. № 6); Legal nature of corporate legal relations (Visn. Hosp. Judicial proceedings of Ukraine. 2006. № 4); Scientific and practical commentary on the Commercial Code of Ukraine (K., 2010; et al.); Participation of a notary in the emergence, exercise and termination of corporate rights of shareholders (Small encyclopedia of notaries. – 2011. – № 3.); Problemy obrony praw korporacyjnych na Ukrainy (Prawo ukrainskie. Wybrane zagadnienia. – Lublin: Libropolis, 2013); Problematic issues of the powers of the representative of an individual in judicial practice (Lawyer. – 2013. – № 9 (156)., Et al.); Protection of corporate right of shareholders to convene an extraordinary general meeting (Improvement of legal regulation of corporate relations: collection of scientific pr. NAPRN of Ukraine, edited by Dr. of Law, Academician of NAPRN of Ukraine Lutsya VV – K., 2013) ; Problems of appeal for protection of corporate rights in the practice of commercial courts of Ukraine (Current issues of private law: materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 92nd anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the USSR VP Maslov, 28 February 2014); Corporate law (edited by W. Hellmann, IV Venediktova. – Khmelnitsky, 2015, co-author).


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