Міжнародне договірне право (International contract law)
Тип: На вибір студента
Кафедра: адміністративного та фінансового права
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
10 | 3 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
10 | 16 | доцент Шандра Р. С. |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
10 | 16 | доцент Шандра Р. С. |
Опис курсу
International contract law is a legal academic discipline that is called to help students learn basic legal contract terminology and the practice of drawing international business and civil English language contracts.
Рекомендована література
Berezowski L. Jak czytać i rozumieć angielskie umowy? / Leszek Berezowski. – Wydanie 6. – Warszawa: C.H.Beck, 2017. – 418 s.
D.P. Strigunova, D.A. Davudov, The problemsof concluding an international commercial contract inthe electronic form in the law of the countries of theEurasian economic union. Studies in ComputationalIntelligence, 826 (2019), 107-114
Luca G. Castellani, The Contribution of UNCITRAL to the Harmonization of International Sale of Goods Law Besides the CISG, Belgrade Law Review, Year LIX (2011) no. 3 pp. 28-38, at 28-33, available online at http://www.cisg.law.pace.edu/cisg/biblio/castellani3.html
M. Minarosa, The principles of internationaltrade contract as reference of Indonesian contract law.European Research Studies Journal, 21 (2) (2018), 514-526.
M. Minarosa, The principles of internationaltrade contract as reference of Indonesian contract law.European Research Studies Journal, 21 (2) (2018), 514-526.
M. Pauknerová, M. Pfeiffer, Use of unidroitprinciples of international commercial contracts tointerpret or supplement Czech contract law. LawyerQuarterly, 8 (4) (2018), 452-468.
M.F.V. Palma, Á.V. Olivares, The contractand the applicable law as instruments of conflictresolution in international arbitration. Ius et Praxis, 25(1) (2019), 383-414.
The Law and Practice of International Trade / by Leo D’arcy, Carole Murray, Barbara Cleave. – London: SWEET & MAXWELL, 2000. – 718 s.
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Vienna, 11 April 1980, S.Treaty Document Number 98-9 (1984), UN Document Number A/CONF 97/19, 1489 UNTS 3. The full text of the CISG is available in pdf format at http://www.uncitral.org/uncitral/en/uncitral_texts/sale_goods/1980CISG.html at 22 December 2007.
V.V. Sulimin, M.I. Lvova. Drivers of International Contract Law at the Stage of Digitalization of Economy, Conference: XVII International Research-to-Practice Conference dedicated to the memory of M.I. Kovalyov (ICK 2020)
Whincap M. Contract Law and Practice: The English System with Scottish Commonwealth, and Continental Comparison. – New York: Kluwer Law International, 2006. – 446 s.
The official Website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine: www.rada.gov.ua.
The official web-site of the President of Ukraine: www.president.gov.ua.
The official web-site of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine: www.kmu.gov.ua.
Globalnegotiator: international contracts &documents ready to use: https://www.globalnegotiator.com/international-trade/dictionary/international-contracts/